St John Evangelical Lutheran Church
302 West Holmes Street
Chester, Illinois 62233
St. John Lutheran School
224 West Holmes Street
Chester, Illinois 62233

St. John Lutheran Church
We the members of St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church believe that in response to God's Good News we give God praise in all that we do espcially through worship together, Bible study groups, fellowship and mission outreach. We also belive that we can't always live our faith perfectly. That is why we need the forgiveness of our Savior Jesus.
Join us for
Worship & Bible Study
All are welcome for worship and
Bible study at St. John.
Non-holiday Weekend Worship Schedule​
Weekly Divine Services
Saturday 5:00pm
Sunday 7:45am & 10:00am
Children's Sunday School & Adult Bible study Sunday 9:00am

St. John Lutheran Church was founded April 22, 1849 by a group of men at the home of Henry Goehrs. His signature apears on the constitution along with Jobst H. Allmeyer, Fredrich Gericke, Louis Dettmer, Heinrich Runge, Fredrich William Allmeyer. Fredrich Brinkman, Juergen Dettmer, H. Bode, and Jacob Pick. and Dr. Walther, president of the Lutheran seminary in St. Louis, sent a candidate, C. H. Siegmund Buttermann, to organize the congregation on May 13, 1849. He died just two months later of Cholera.